In this post we are going to play game of Wildlife Trivia Questions and Answers. Wildlife animals are very important to keep ecosystem functional. Wildlife is also an important income source and food for many people. Conserving wildlife means conserving heritage and traditional culture.
If you like this Wildlife Trivia Questions and Answers kindly share with evryone to improve their knowledge and learn something about wildlife animals.
1- Guess the biggest wildlife sanctuary in the world
A- Northeast Greenland National Park
B- Masai Mara National Reserve
C- The Serengeti National Park
Answer- Northeast Greenland National Park
2- How many hours tiger sleep?
A- 10-12 hours
B- 18-20 hours
C- 5-8 hours
Answer- 18-20 hours
3- Where is Pronghorn from?
B- Africa
C- India
Answer- USA
4- What is the scientific name of red fox?
A- Panthera leo
B- Acinonyx jubatus
C- Vulpes vulpes
Answer- Vulpes vulpes
5- Is Alligator powerful or Crocodile?
A- Alligator
B- Crocodile
Answer- Crocodile
6- Why is Gorilla called Gorilla?
A- Hairy Person
B- Dark Color
C- Lives in Mountains
Answer- Hairy Person
7- Where is Panther found?
C- Africa
Answer- Africa
8- How long do Snakes live?
A- 5 to 10 years
B- 20 to 30 years
C- 10 to 15 years
Answer- 20 to 30 years
9- How many white Rhinoceros left in the world?
A- 10
B- 5
C- 2
Answer- 2
10- Which animal has the largest eyes?
A- Colossal Squid
B- Elephant
C- Camel
Answer- Colossal Squid
Easy Wildlife Trivia Questions and Answers
11- Which animals can’t look up?
A- Deer
B- Lion
C- Pigs
Answer- Pigs

12- Which animal have so many legs?
A- Isopod
B- Snails
C- Centipede
Answer- Centipede
13- What is the largest animal sanctuary in the US?
A- The Wild Animal Sanctuary
B- Chimp haven
C- Animal place
Answer- The Wild Animal Sanctuary
14- Where are Chameleons mostly found?
A- Africa
B- Maldives
C- Switzerland
Answer- Africa
15- Guess the Ibex is Goat or Deer
A- Deer
B- Goat
Answer- Goat
16- What is the first tallest animal?
A- Giraffes
B- Camel
C- Ostrich
Answer- Giraffes
17- Is Walrus found in Antarctica?
A- No
B- Yes
Answer- No
18- What animal survives without sleep?
A- Dolphin
B- Giraffes
C- Bullfrogs
Answer- Bullfrogs
19- Who is the slowest mammal on planet?
A- Tortoise
B- Sloths
C- Starfish
Answer- Sloths
20- What is the largest bear in the world?
A- Polar Bear
B- Brown Bear
C- Sun Bear
Answer- Polar Bear
21- Which mammal has the longest lifespan?
A- Hippopotamus
B- Whale
C- Kangaroo
Answer- Whale
22- Which bird is known to sleep while flying?
A- Swift
B- Canary
C- Eagle
Answer- Swift
23- Which insect can survive being frozen solid?
A- Ladybug
B- Caterpillar
C- Spider
Answer- Caterpillar
24- Guess the fastest marine animal?
A- Seahorse
B- Sailfish
C- Jellyfish
Answer- Sailfish
25- Guess the largest species of lizard?
A- Gekkota
B- Anoles
C- Komodo
Answer- Komodo