Below post is related to Weird Science Trivia Questions and Answers. This trivia questions and answers will help you to gain some knowledge. In this website we have covered lots of trivia questions with answers.
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1- Can we hear sound in space?
A- No
B- Yes
Answer- No
2- Is it possible that plant can grow without sunlight?
A- No
B- Yes
Answer- No
3- Which acid of onions make you cry?
A- Phosphoric acid
B- Sulfuric acid
C- Nitric acid
Answer- Sulfuric acid
4- ______ may helps to cool the brain and increase alertness.
A- Sunlight
B- Water
C- Yawning
Answer- Yawning
5- Why do we have fingerprints?
A- To Soft
B- To Grip
C- To Feel
Answer- To Grip
Weird Science Trivia Questions for Adults
6- Can we cry in space?
A- No
B- Yes
Answer- Yes
7- Can we see the Great Wall of China from space?
A- Yes
B- No
Answer- No
8- In which form we can weigh clouds?
A- Kilogram
B- Pounds
C- Milligram
Answer- Pounds
9- Can frogs freeze in winter and still survive?
A- No
B- Yes
Answer- Yes
10- Can we taste food in space?
A- No
B- Yes
Answer- Yes

11- Do animals laugh?
A- Yes
B- No
Answer- Yes
12- When _______ pigment stops leaves can’t change color in the fall.
A- Chlorophyll
B- Carotenoids
C- Betalains
Answer- Chlorophyll
13- Can we grow Potatoes on Mars?
A- Yes
B- No
Answer- Yes
14- Do plants have feelings?
A- No
B- Yes
Answer- No
15- Is it possible that animals can predict earthquakes?
A- No
B- Yes
Answer- Yes
16- Can animals get sunburned?
A- Yes
B- No
Answer- Yes
17- Which fish sleep with one eye open?
A- Catfish
B- Dolphin
C- Manta Ray
Answer- Dolphin
18- Can some plants move on their own?
A- Yes
B- No
Answer- Yes
19- Why freckles coming on face?
A- Increase of Melanin
B- Eumelanin
C- Decrease of Melanin
Answer- Increase of Melanin
20- Which animal has 4 stomachs?
A- Horse
B- Elephant
C- Cow
Answer- Cow
21- Can plants communicate with each other?
A- Yes
B- No
Answer- Yes
22- Which bird can stand on one leg?
A- Penguin
B- Flamingo
C- Peacock
Answer- Flamingo
23- ________ is the fastest thing in the universe.
A- Light
B- Water
C- Sound
Answer- Light
24- Which animal does not stuck on web?
A- Ant
B- Spider
C- Rat
Answer- Spider
25- Can fish see in the dark?
A- Yes
B- No
Answer- Yes
26- Which part of human body can regenerate?
A- Liver
B- Kidney
C- Lung
Answer- Liver
27- Which chemical help insects to glow in the dark?
A- Luciferase Enzymes
B- Argon
C- Acrylic
Answer- Luciferase Enzymes
28- In which season worms come out?
A- Rainy
B- Summer
C- Winter
Answer- Rainy