This post is related to US civil war trivia. The civil war is often considered the first modern war due to the use of railroads, telegraphs, ironclad ships, rifled weapons which increased its scale and intensity. This war was a conflict between the northern union and the southern confederacy primarily over slavery and states rights.
US Civil War Trivia questions and answers will help you increase your knowledge. We have covered lots of trivia questions in this website so don’t forget to check other posts also.
1- When did U.S civil war start?
A- 1853
B- 1874
C- 1861
Answer- 1861
2- Guess who was the president of the Union during the Civil war?
A- Abraham Lincoln
B- Andrew Jackson
C- James Garfield
Answer- Abraham Lincoln
3- Who was leading confederate army?
A- George Pickett
B- Robert Lee
C- Braxton Bragg
Answer- Robert Lee
4- What was the capital of the confederacy?
A- Canberra
B- Wellington
C- Richmond
Answer- Richmond
5- Who was the unions leading general at the end of the war?
A- Ambrose Burnside
B- Ulysses Grant
C- Philip Sheridan
Answer- Ulysses Grant
Us Civil War Trivia with Answers
6- Where did general Lee surrender to general grant?
A- Appomattox
B- Kentucky
C- Missouri
Answer- Appomattox
7- Which was the first state to secede from the union?
A- Florida
B- South Carolina
C- Alabama
Answer- South Carolina
8- What was the bloodiest single day battle of the Civil war?
A- Mexican war
B- The Battle of Antietam
C- The Gulf war
Answer- The Battle of Antietam
9- Who delivered the Gettysburg address?
A- Ronald Reagan
B- Abraham Lincoln
C- Franklin Roosevelt
Answer- Abraham Lincoln
10- When did civil war end in U.S?
A- 9 April 1865
B- 20 June 1875
C- 28 Jan 1882
Answer- 9 April 1865

11- What was the first dangerous battle of the civil war?
A- Chickamauga
B- Bull Run
C- Battle of Stalingrad
Answer- Bull Run
12- What amendment abolished slavery?
A- Amendment 3
B- Amendment 13
C- Amendment 6
Answer- Amendment 13
13- Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?
A- George Meade
B- Richard Ewell
C- John Booth
Answer- John Booth
14- What confederate general earned the nickname Stonewall?
A- Thomas Jackson
B- Jubal Early
C- Kirby Smith
Answer- Thomas Jackson
15- Which union victory split the confederacy in two?
A- The Battle of Poltava
B- The Battle of Vicksburg
C- The Battle of Orleans
Answer- The Battle of Vicksburg
Us Civil War Trivia Multiple Choice
16- What was the main reason of civil war?
A- Religious conflicts
B- Nationalism
C- Slavery
Answer- Slavery
17- Which city did general Sherman famously capture and burn?
A- Atlanta
B- Memphis
C- Nashville
Answer- Atlanta
18- What state saw the most battles during the civil war?
A- Virginia
B- Denver
C- Tucson
Answer- Virginia
19- Which state was the first who rejoin the union after the war?
A- Montana
B- Oklahoma
C- Tennessee
Answer- Tennessee
20- Guess who was the vice president of the confederacy?
A- Aaron Burr
B- Alexander Stephens
C- Daniel Tompkins
Answer- Alexander Stephens
21- Which document did Abraham Lincoln issue in 1863?
A- Gettysburg Address
B- Emancipation Proclamation
C- Kansas-Nebraska Act
Answer- Emancipation Proclamation
22- Who was the confederate general known for his March to the sea?
A- William Sherman
B- Porter Alexander
C- Robert Anderson
Answer- William Sherman
23- Which amendment granted citizenship to former slaves?
A- 7
B- 13
C- 14
Answer- 14
24- What was the first submarine to sink an enemy ship in combat?
A- H.L Hunley
B- Amberjack
C- Argonaut
Answer- H.L Hunley
25- Where was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?
A- Palo Alto bridge
B- Matamoras post office
C- Ford’s Theatre
Answer- Ford’s Theatre
26- Who stopped the civil war?
A- Andrew Johnson
B- Abraham Lincoln
C- Edwin Stanton
Answer- Andrew Johnson
27- How many American people died in civil war?
A- 3,50,000
B- 6,20,000
C- 80,000
Answer- 6,20,000
28- Guess the name of the first man who killed in the civil war?
A- James Monroe
B- Daniel Hough
C- Martin Buren
Answer- Daniel Hough
29- Which union general was known as “The Rock of Chickamauga”?
A- Samuel Cooper
B- George Thomas
C- John Wool
Answer- George Thomas
30- Which battle is considered the first major confederate victory in the civil war?
A- Manassas
B- Oak Hills
C- Battle of Belmont
Answer- Manassas
31- Guess the nickname of the confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest?
A- Nitro
B- The Wall
C- Wizard
Answer- Wizard
32- Which state was the last to secede from the union?
A- Tennessee
B- Arkansas
C- Louisiana
Answer- Tennessee
33- What was the primary export of the confederacy during the civil war?
A- Cotton
B- Oil
C- Chemicals
Answer- Cotton
34- Which general was killed by friendly fire in 1863?
A- George Gibson
B- Benjamin Larned
C- Stonewall Jackson
Answer- Stonewall Jackson