15+ Trivia Questions About Dinosaurs

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This post is about trivia questions about dinosaurs. The word Dinosaurs came from Greek words meaning terrible lizard. Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago.

Trivia questions about Dinosaurs are very interesting and helpful to know our history. This will help us to get some information about Dinosaurs. If you like this trivia questions and answers kindly share with your family and friends.

1- When Dinosaurs died?

A- 25 Billion years ago

B- 65 Million years ago

C- 55 Trillion years ago

Answer- 65 Million years ago

2- What hit earth that killed the dinosaurs?

A- Asteroid Impact

B- Disease

C- Earthquake

Answer- Asteroid Impact

3- Who discovered the first dinosaur?

A- Robert Plot

B- Michael Faraday

C- Charles Darwin

Answer- Robert Plot

4- Dinosaur name came from which country?

A- Brazil

B- Estonia

C- Greek

Answer- Greek

5- Guess the national Dinosaur day?

A- January, 25th

B- March, 8th

C- June, 1st

Answer- June, 1st

6- Which Dinosaur does not eat meat?

A- Herbivorous Dinosaurs

B- Carnivorous Dinosaurs

C- Spinosaurus

Answer- Herbivorous Dinosaurs

7- Which country has Dinosaur park?

A- Alberta, Canada

B- Acadia National Park

C- Volcanoes National Park

Answer- Alberta, Canada

8- Which Dinosaur is the king of Dinosaurs?

A- Allosaurus

B- Tyrannosaurus rex

C- Troodon

Answer- Tyrannosaurus rex

9- Which is the Queen of dinosaurs?

A- Tyrannosaurus regina

B- Theropods

C- Sauropoda

Answer- Tyrannosaurus regina

10- Which Dinosaur is still alive?

A- Sauropoda

B- Avian Dinosaur

C- Theropods

Answer- Avian Dinosaur

11- Dinosaurs called as _________

A- Terrible Lizard

B- Iguanas

C- Lizard

Answer- Terrible Lizard

12- Who gave the name Dinosaur?

A- Louis Pasteur

B- Marie Curie

C- Richard Owen

Answer- Richard Owen

Trivia Questions About Dinosaurs for Adults

13- Who directed the first Jurassic World movie?

A- Colin Trevorrow

B- James Cameron

C- Joss Whedon

Answer- Colin Trevorrow

14- What is the origin of all Dinosaurs?

A- South Africa

B- South America

C- Japan

Answer- South America

15- What lived before Dinosaurs?

A- Lizard

B- The Synapsid


Answer- The Synapsid

16- Is Jurassic a period or era?

A- Era

B- Period

Answer- Era

17- Which Dinosaur lived the longest?

A- Microraptor

B- The Sauropods

C- Abrosaurus

Answer- The Sauropods

18- Which Dinosaur had the longest neck relative to its body size?

A- Alioramus

B- Mamenchisaurus

C- Diplodocus

Answer- Mamenchisaurus

19- Which Dinosaur is known for having a helmet like crest on its head?

A- Triceratops

B- Velociraptor

C- Corythosaurus

Answer- Corythosaurus

20- Which is the smallest known Dinosaur?

A- Microraptor

B- Pterodactyl

C- Spinosaurus

Answer- Microraptor

21- Which Dinosaur had the most teeth?

A- Baryonyx

B- Hadrosaurus

C- Coelophysis

Answer- Hadrosaurus

22- Which Dinosaur is named after a mythical creature?

A- Ankylosaurus

B- Gryposaurus

C- Brachiosaurus

Answer- Gryposaurus

23- Which Dinosaur had the largest eyes relative to its skull size?

A- Troodon

B- Afrovenator

C- Stegosaurus

Answer- Troodon

24- Which Dinosaur is known for having a heart shaped tail?

A- Ampelosaurus

B- Brachytrachelopan

C- Puertasaurus

Answer- Brachytrachelopan

25- Which Dinosaur is believed to have had the best sense of smell?

A- Borogovia

B- Coronosaurus

C- Tyrannosaurus

Answer- Tyrannosaurus

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