This post is about Trivia Questions About Antarctica. Antarctica has the largest ice sheet on the earth. This place holds worlds most of the fresh water. Antarctica is important for worlds climate and ocean systems.
Trivia Questions About Antarctica are very interesting and helpful to gain some knowledge. Those who don’t know about this place they will definitely love this post. If you want more trivia questions like this kindly check other posts also. Kindly share this post with everyone.
1- Where is Antarctica located in the world?
A- The Northeastern Portion
B- The Southern Hemisphere
C- Eastern Africa
Answer- The Southern Hemisphere
2- How big is Antarctica?
A- 13.66 million km²
B- 10.20 million km
C- 22 million km²
Answer- 13.66 million km²
3- Who owns Antarctica?
A- Argentina
B- No one
Answer- No one
4- What is the largest station in Antarctica?
A- McMurdo
B- Vostok
C- Mawson
Answer- McMurdo
5- What is the most predator in Antarctica?
A- Seahorses
B- Harbor Seal
C- Leopard Seal
Answer- Leopard Seal
6- Guess What is the closest country to Antarctica?
A- Denmark
B- Argentina
C- Poland
Answer- Argentina
7- What animal is the king of Antarctica?
A- The Emperor Penguin
B- Orca
C- Whale
Answer- The Emperor Penguin
8- What was Antarctica originally called?
A- Terra Australis Incognita
B- Kashyapamar
C- Elgin
Answer- Terra Australis Incognita
9- What fuel is used in Antarctica?
A- Petrol
B- Ethanol
C- Diesel
Answer- Diesel
10- What is the nickname of Antarctica?
A- La Albiceleste
B- The Ice
C- Polska
Answer- The Ice

11- Which city is closest to Antarctica?
A- Cape Town
B- Hobart
C- Ushuaia
Answer- Ushuaia
12- What is the big hole in Antarctica?
A- Polynya
B- Kola Superdeep Borehole
C- Abell 1201
Answer- Polynya
13- Guess the 20 leg animal found in Antarctica?
A- Millipedes
B- Mudfish
C- Strawberry Feather Star
Answer- Strawberry Feather Star