20+ Stock Market Trivia Questions and Answers

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In this post we are covering stock market trivia questions and answers. Stock market is a marketplace where stocks are bought and sold daily. With the help of stock market lots of people are becoming Millionaire and Billionaire.

Below stock market trivia questions and answers are very easy and interesting. If you like this type of questions don’t forget to share with everyone & check other posts also.

1- What does nasdaq stand for?

A- National American Stock Dealers and Queries

B- National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

C- New York Stock Exchange Authorities

Answer- National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

2- Which stock is most expensive in USA?

A- Berkshire Hathaway

B- Tesla Inc

C- Amazon

Answer- Berkshire Hathaway

3- Who is the owner of US stock exchange?

A- Intercontinental Exchange

B- The Johannesburg Stock Exchange

C- The State Treasury

Answer- Intercontinental Exchange

4- What time the US stock market open?

A- 8:30 am to 3:30 pm

B- 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

C- 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Answer- 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

5- Who is the number 1 invester in America?

A- Ben Graham

B- Peter Lynch

C- Warren Buffett

Answer- Warren Buffett

6- What is the full form of DJIA?

A- Direct Jack Industries Asset

B- The Dow Jones Industrial Average

C- Daily Jones Industrial Access

Answer- The Dow Jones Industrial Average

7- When did the US stock market start?

A- May 17, 1792

B- Jan 20, 1850

C- Dec 10, 1947

Answer- May 17, 1792

8- Guess the first stock market in the world

A- The Egyptian Exchange

B- The Amsterdam Stock Exchange

C- The Paris Stock Exchange

Answer- The Amsterdam Stock Exchange

9- What is the purpose of stop-loss?

A- To increase profit with fixed amount

B- No profit no loss

C- To limit an investors loss from an investment if that investment falls in value

Answer- To limit an investors loss from an investment if that investment falls in value

10- Full form of IPO

A- Instant Public Offer

B- Initial Public Offering

C- Instant Payment Offer

Answer- Initial Public Offering

Stock Market Quiz Questions Answers

11- What is SPO in stock market?

A- Secure Payment Option

B- Security Public Offer

C- Security Payment Orders

Answer- Security Payment Orders

12- What is small cap stock?

A- Market Capitalization $300 Million to $2 Billion

B- Market Capitalization $100 Million to $300 Million

C- Market Capitalization $500 Million to $800 Million

Answer- Market Capitalization $300 Million to $2 Billion

13- What is large cap stock?

A- $1 Billion to $5 Billion

B- $500 Million to $1000 Million

C- More Than $10 Billion

Answer- More Than $10 Billion

14- What does ESG stand for?

A- Electronic Secure Governance

B- Environmental, Social and Governance

C- Easy Safe Guide

Answer- Environmental, Social and Governance

15- When was first stock market crash in USA?

A- June 22, 1975

B- October 28, 1929

C- January 10, 1942

Answer- October 28, 1929

Stock Market Trivia Questions and Answers Multiple Choice

16- Who controls the stock market prices?

A- Company

B- Stock Market

C- Supply and Demand

Answer- Supply and Demand

17- What kind of stock is SoFi?

A- Finance

B- Tech

C- Energy

Answer- Finance

18- What time does the US crude oil market open?

A- 4am Sunday to 8:15 pm Friday

B- 8am Monday to 5 pm Friday

C- Daily 10am to 5pm

Answer- 4 am Sunday to 8:15 pm Friday

19- What is the most traded commodity in the US?

A- Natural Gas

B- Crude Oil

C- Gold

Answer- Crude Oil

20- Top Artificial Intelligence Stock in US?

A- Chevron


C- Morgan Stanley

Answer- NVIDIA Corp

21- Which stock market is largest in the world?




Answer- NYSE

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