This post is about space trivia questions and answers. Space knowledge is very important in human life. There are lots of space agencies exist in the world and they are doing so many researches in the space. It will help humans to live on another planet.
Space Trivia Questions and Answers are very unique and entertaining. You can use this trivia questions with your family and friends to play trivia game. It will improve your knowledge and if you like this questions kindly share with everyone.
1- Which is the number 1 space agency in the world?
A- Spanish Space Agency
Answer- NASA
2- Who created the space agency?
A- Vikram Sarabhai
B- President Dwight Eisenhower
C- President Yeltsin
Answer- President Dwight Eisenhower
3- Who was the first person to discover space?
A- Yuri Gagarin
B- Sir Issac Newton
C- William Gilbert
Answer- Yuri Gagarin
4- Which country first went to space?
A- Soviet Union
B- China
Answer- Soviet Union
5- Who is the first woman who walked on the moon?
A- Kalpana Chawla
B- Helen Sharman
C- Christina Koch
Answer- Christina Koch
6- Guess the space shuttle name?
B- Columbia
Answer- Columbia
7- Is it hot or cold in space?
A- Cold
B- Hot
Answer- Cold
8- How much distance is between earth and space?
A- 62 miles
B- 100 miles
C- 88 miles
Answer- 62 miles
9- which country does not have space agency
A- Dubai
B- Afghanistan
C- Europe
Answer- Afghanistan
10- How many planets are in the solar system?
A- 10
B- 8
C- 6
Answer- 8

11- What color is oxygen in space?
A- White
B- Greenish hue
C- Blue
Answer- Greenish hue
12- Which planet is the hottest?
A- Saturn
B- Sun
C- Venus
Answer- Venus
13- Which is the coldest planet?
A- Uranus
B- Earth
C- Mars
Answer- Uranus
Space Trivia Questions and Answers Multiple Choice
14- Which country landed on Venus first?
B- Soviet
C- Japan
Answer- Soviet
15- What is the most famous space telescope?
B- The Hubble Space Telescope
C- Astro 2
Answer- The Hubble Space Telescope
16- What is the fuel of spacecraft?
A- Methanol
B- Hydrogen & Ethanol
C- Liquid Hydrogen & Liquid Oxygen
Answer- Liquid Hydrogen & Liquid Oxygen
17- Which planet is suitable for Human life after earth?
A- Mars
B- Jupiter
C- Uranus
Answer- Mars
18- Which first space craft reach to the moon?
A- Gemini
B- Moya
C- Luna 1
Answer- Luna 1
19- Which spaceship went to Sun?
A- Event Horizon
B- The Parker Solar Probe
C- Discovery
Answer- The Parker Solar Probe
20- Do Astronaut take food pills?
A- No
B- Yes
Answer- No
Easy Space Trivia Questions and Answers
21- Who is the father of Astronomy?
A- Nicolaus Copernicus
B- Jacquemin Gringonneur
C- Alan Leo
Answer- Nicolaus Copernicus
22- Guess the smallest planet?
A- Jupiter
B- Neptune
C- Mercury
Answer- Mercury
23- Guess the ice planet?
A- Mercury
B- Neptune
C- Mars
Answer- Neptune
24- How old is earth?
A- 4.543 Billion Years
B- 2.285 Billion Years
C- 6.2 Billion Years
Answer- 4.543 Billion Years
25- What is the ring planet called?
A- Saturn’s rings
B- Neptune rings
C- Venus rings
Answer- Saturn’s rings