Below list is about Pregnancy Trivia Questions. Pregnancy is one the happiest moment in womens life. But in todays world there are lots of complications to get pregnant naturally because of unhealthy lifestyle. But with the help of doctor we can achieve pregnancy easily.
In this post we are taking some random questions about pregnancy to gain our knowledge and some basic information. I hope you will love this questions and you will have fun with this amazing questions. Check out this website for all kind of trivia questions and answers.
1- Can ectopic pregnancy survive?
A- Yes
B- No
Answer- No
2- What is the full form of HCG?
A- Human Cycle Gland
B- Human Chorionic gonadotropin
C- Human Child Gestational Sac
Answer- Human Chorionic gonadotropin
3- Embryo called after 7 weeks?
A- Sac
B- Foetus
C- Baby
Answer- Foetus
4- Which blood test confirm pregnancy?
A- Beta HCG
B- Lipid Test
C- TSH Test
Answer- Beta HCG
5- Which week consider as first week trimester?
A- 1 to 12 weeks
B- 13 to 28 weeks
C- 29 to 40 weeks
Answer- 1 to 12 weeks
6- What does early pregnancy discharge looks like?
A- Pink
B- White
C- Brown
Answer- White
7- How many weeks is 9 month pregnancy?
A- 35 weeks
B- 50 weeks
C- 40 weeks
Answer- 40 weeks
8- Which food avoid in pregnancy?
A- Raw and Uncooked Meat
B- Fish
C- Sprouts
Answer- Raw and Uncooked Meat
9- Twin Pregnancy called as?
A- Ectopic pregnancy
B- Lupus pregnancy
C- Fraternal Twinning
Answer- Fraternal Twinning
10- What is FET in medical terms?
A- Full Essential Test
B- Frozen Embryo Transfer
C- Fetus Energy Test
Answer- Frozen Embryo Transfer

11- Guess the Full form of IVF?
A- In Vitro Fertilization
B- Instrumental Vitro Female
C- Instant Value Fertile
Answer- In Vitro Fertilization
12- What type of vitamin is folic acid?
A- B12
B- B9
C- D
Answer- B9
13- Who is the father of Ultrasound?
A- Ian Donald
B- Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen
C- Robin Coombs
Answer- Ian Donald
14- What does NT scan check for?
A- Heartbeat
B- Nasal Test
C- Nuchal Translucency
Answer- Nuchal Translucency
15- What is the most common week of a misscarriage?
A- 20-25 weeks
B- 1-12 weeks
C- 30-25 weeks
Answer- 1-12 weeks
16- What does anomaly scan detect?
A- Brain, Spine & Heart
B- Height
C- Hand & Legs
Answer- Brain, Spine & Heart
17- Does Baby Pee in womb?
A- Yes
B- No
Answer- Yes
18- What month is baby gender confirmed?
A- By 30 Weeks
B- By 25 Weeks
C- By 14 Weeks
Answer- By 14 Weeks
19- What is the full form of D.G.O?
A- Diploma in Gynaecology & Obstetrics
B- Degree in Gynaecology & Operation
C- Distance Gynaecology Outsource
Answer- Diploma in Gynaecology & Obstetrics
20- Who is the father of Gynecology female?
A- Robert Edwards
B- Abstract J. Marion Sims
C- Aretaeus of Cappadocia
Answer- Abstract J. Marion Sims